Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Lucky lucky lucky

I had the most wonderful weekend...and not just because it was eventful (although every event was marvellous), but because I spent time with some of my favourite people.

Friday, we went to see Lady Gaga in Birmingham, and because my friend's boss (who booked the tickets) is exceptionally generous, we ended up with front row seats for which we only paid a fraction of the cost. The concert was AMAZING. We were literally within touching distance, and the sets were incredible - creepy, twisted versions of Central Park, crappy alleys with junked cars whose bonnets opened to reveal glittering keyboards and burning pianos - AMAZING. I am a total art junkie, and this concert was art, from the sequinned, skyscraper heels to the lightbulb-studded catwalk.

Then Saturday, one of my schoolfriends got married - we drank champagne, laughed and laughed and laughed, ate wonderful food and danced on dancefloors spinning with green sparks. Both bride and groom were beaming the whole day, and it was so lovely to see them all flushed and radiant and happy. I wore a dress I felt pretty in, and my sister braided the front of my hair in a sort of band - and I remember sitting in this gorgeous room, all sage-and-white ribbon, thinking how even a year ago, I wouldn't have enjoyed myself; I would've been too busy comparing myself to everyone else in the room and falling short. Which would have been so SILLY.

Sunday, we went to my friend Joanne's Grandma's 90th birthday party, which was a tea party, and absolutely adorable, and then yesterday, Steven and I went to the new Marco Pierre White restaurant near where we live, and then for a lazy wander around the Tate in Liverpool. Which was just a lovely end to a beautiful weekend.

I look at my life, and I want to cry, I am so happy (this is so new! And so wonderful!)

I am a lucky, lucky, lucky girl.