Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Happy Easter Weekend!

Tomorrow is the start of National Poetry Month...which I think is actually an American tradition rather than a British one, but people all over the world join in. The point is to keep the mental cogs smoothly moving by writing a poem every day during the month of April, whether draft, working poem or otherwise. I participated last year, and it really worked for me, possibly because I like being challenged and having something to work towards...I wrote quite furiously last time, and got several decent poems out of the exercise, so I will definitely be joining in again this year.

Things are good at the moment. I am enjoying the rain (I have missed the rain! Only snow and ice this Winter, no rain), working superhard and writing here and there. I have several notebooks on the go, which I find is helping in those times when I want to write something but don't know what to am altogether contented.

The daffodils are out in their frilly, brilliant yellow bonnets, the grass is green, and it's starting to feel like Spring is really arriving. It's the Easter Bank Holiday weekend here, which means no work Friday or Monday, and although I love my job (now that I've moved back to my old office), I'm looking forward to some time off. Poetry reading tomorrow (I will be listening, not reading), channelling my inner domestic goddess on Friday (will be baking up a storm) and then art gallery on Saturday. And I haven't even planned for Sunday and Monday yet, but I am excited for them anyway.

Life is good. It's easy to forget that sometimes. But it is.